
Keystone Logistics

Keystone Logistics company offers its Customers full range of freight forwarding services, bulk cargo container handling and shipping activities. During its work the company has taken a confident position in this sphere in view of high qualification and professional qualities of our specialists having rich experience in the development of unique logistics solutions and their implementation.


Yandex.Taxi - a service of online taxi ordering through a mobile application, a website or by phone for passengers and online distribution of transportation orders for taxi companies and taxi drivers. As of January 2019, the service operates in more than 300 large cities in 18 countries.
Yandex.Taxi is owned by Yandex.Taxi LLC. The main activity of Yandex.Taxi LLC according to constituent documents is the development of computer software.


URALCHEM Group one of the largest producers of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers in Russia and the CIS. URALCHEM Group takes first place in ammonium nitrate production in Russia, also is one of the top three in ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers production. The company has facilities available for production of over 3 million tonnes of ammonia, 3 million tonnes of ammonium nitrate, 1.2 million tonnes of urea and 1 million tonnes of phosphate and compound fertilizers per year. The principal raw stuff used in production of nitrogen fertilizers is the natural gas that is delivered to the companies’ producers under the long-term contracts with Gazprom.


Nordgold is an international gold producer with a business that spans from America to Siberia. Guided by a strategy focused on finding, developing, and streamlining assets, Nordgold has a proven track record of creating value for stakeholders.Nordgold has mines and development projects, as well as investment projects in 6 countries – Burkina Faso, Guinea, Russia, Kazakhstan, French Guiana and Canada.